Hotels Links

Hotels Tip Book
Air Travel
Departure Taxes
Air and Hotel packages
Where to get discount airline tickets
When paper airline tickets are better than e-tickets
Airline Seat Assignments
Hidden Cities - Beat The Airlines
Airline Seat Requests and Special Meals
Frequent Flyer Miles Tips
Checking in and out of a hotel
What to do if you can't check out on time?
What to do before you leave your room before checking out
What to do at the front desk at check out
What to present to the front desk at checkin
What to do if they don't have a hotel room
Ask for a better deal
What to verify at check-in
What else should I ask for at check-in
Avoiding surprises at check-out
Choosing a discount hotel
Can an expensive hotel be a better deal?
Budgetary concerns
Hotel policies and extra charges
Choosing a hotel at or near special events
Choosing a hotel near public transportation
Available hotel services
Hotel ratings
Past experience and recommendations
Consider a hotel's location
The cost of a discount hotel
Types of accommodations available
Hotel amenities and/or special features
Hotel Reservations
Before using a hotel consolidator
Confirming a hotel reservation
Booking a cheap hotel - be careful!
Special discount programs
What to verify before making a hotel reservation
What information to have to reserve a room
Booking a room
Choosing a internet hotel reservation system
Read the room rate guarantee
What is a hotel consolidator?
Hotel Safety
Use Hotel Safes
Keep valuables out of sight
Dealing with large expensive or breakable items
Keep doors locked.
Leaving Your Room
Dealing with strangers
Portable alarm systems
Hotel Safety-Fire
Safety- Knock on the Door
Checking in- Security
Hotel safety
International Travel
Currency- before and after
Ordering in Restaurants
Foreign Language help
Language no problem with this tool
Foreign menus
write address down
Purchasing Duty-Free goods
Passport validity
Passport- Just Married
Passport- Backup
Passport backup
Passports and European hotels
Passports and other ID for travel
Las Vegas Hotels
Finding a quality budget Las Vegas hotel
Choosing a Las Vegas hotel - General info
Finding the location of a Las Vegas hotel
Finding a luxury Las Vegas hotel
Shows and Concerts at Las Vegas hotels
Misc. Hotel Issues
Dealing with a hotel problem
Contacting a hotel's customer service department
Saving money on room rates
Hotel and Airline Tickets packages
Finding hotel discounts
Traveling in the off season
Finding a hotel's location
Tipping hotel staff
Concierge Services
Frequent flyer programs
Hotel loyalty programs
Getting hotels to honor my special requests
Special needs rooms
Misc. Travel Tips
Using a Travel Agent
Water, Water everywhere-but don't drink it!
Food Safety
A worry-free vacation begins at home
Lost kids-protection
Cash while traveling
Using Credit Cards
Personalized shirts
Package/Cruise Insurance
Prescription medicines
Car Rental Insurance
Easy temperature calculation
Trouble with the Law
Travel Savings
Types of discount to ask for...
National Parks Pass
Quick cheap lunch!
Cheap souvenirs
Hotel, restaurant and attraction savings
Beware the Advertisement
Restaurants-Saving money
Cheap sophistication
Hotels Newsletter Archive
When paper airline tickets are better than e-tickets
Leaving Your Room
Beware the Advertisement
Hotel, restaurant and attraction savings
Cheap souvenirs
National Parks Pass
Quick cheap lunch!
Restaurants-Saving money
Types of discount to ask for...
Currency- before and after
Finding a hotelīs location
Hotel policies and extra charges
Before using a hotel consolidator
Dealing with a hotel problem
Contacting a hotelīs customer service department
Tipping hotel staff
What to do before you leave your room before checking out
What to do if you canīt check out on time?
Ask for a better deal
Avoiding surprises at check-out
What else should I ask for at check-in
What to do if they donīt have a hotel room
What to present to the front desk at checkin
What to verify at check-in
Special needs rooms
Getting hotels to honor my special requests
Concierge Services
Hotel loyalty programs
What to verify before making a hotel reservation
What information to have to reserve a room
Can an expensive hotel be a better deal?
Saving money on room rates
Special discount programs
What to do at the front desk at check out
Finding the location of a Las Vegas hotel
Choosing a Las Vegas hotel - General info
Confirming a hotel reservation
Finding a luxury Las Vegas hotel
Shows and Concerts at Las Vegas hotels
Finding a quality budget Las Vegas hotel
Passports and European hotels
Using a Travel Agent
Booking a room
Trouble with the Law
Using Credit Cards
The cost of a discount hotel
Consider a hotelīs location
Airline Seat Requests and Special Meals
Frequent Flyer Miles Tips
Hidden Cities - Beat The Airlines
Finding hotel discounts
Types of accommodations available
Air and Hotel packages
Hotel and Airline Tickets packages
Hotel ratings
Traveling in the off season
Past experience and recommendations
Budgetary concerns
Choosing a hotel at or near special events
Available hotel services
Hotel amenities and/or special features
Read the room rate guarantee
Where to get discount airline tickets
Booking a cheap hotel - be careful!
Choosing a internet hotel reservation system
Language no problem with this tool
Passport backup
Passport validity
Passport- Backup
Passport- Just Married
Passports and other ID for travel
write address down
A worry-free vacation begins at home
Food Safety
Lost kids-protection
Package/Cruise Insurance
Purchasing Duty-Free goods
Foreign Language help
Hotel Safety-Fire
Dealing with strangers
Safety- Knock on the Door
Airline Seat Assignments
Departure Taxes
When paper airline tickets are better than e-tickets
Leaving Your Room
Beware the Advertisement
Hotel, restaurant and attraction savings
Cheap souvenirs
National Parks Pass
Quick cheap lunch!
Restaurants-Saving money
Types of discount to ask for...
Currency- before and after
Finding a hotelīs location
Hotel policies and extra charges
Before using a hotel consolidator
Dealing with a hotel problem
Tipping hotel staff
What to do before you leave your room before checking out
What to do if you canīt check out on time?
Ask for a better deal
Avoiding surprises at check-out
What else should I ask for at check-in
What to do if they donīt have a hotel room
What to present to the front desk at checkin
What to verify at check-in
Special needs rooms
Getting hotels to honor my special requests
Concierge Services
Hotel loyalty programs
What to verify before making a hotel reservation
What information to have to reserve a room
Can an expensive hotel be a better deal?
Saving money on room rates
Special discount programs
What to do at the front desk at check out
Finding the location of a Las Vegas hotel
Choosing a Las Vegas hotel - General info
Confirming a hotel reservation
Finding a luxury Las Vegas hotel
Shows and Concerts at Las Vegas hotels
Finding a quality budget Las Vegas hotel
Passports and European hotels
Passport validity
Seat Requests and Special Meals
Beware the Advertisement
Seat Requests and Special Meals
Passport validity
Using Credit Cards
Beware the Advertisement
Passport- Backup
Passport validity
Passport- Backup
Hotel safety
Hotel safety
Passport validity
Using Credit Cards
Viva Las Vegas
Labor Day Weekend Suggestion: Detroit
Destination 101: Vienna
Traveling Art!
Happ`nin`s in Jamaica
Be Aware of Street Criminals
Odds and Ends
The Euro and You
Earn Free Travel Without Boarding a Plane!
Traveling with Your Dog or Cat
Planning Your Port Activities While Cruising
Airline Rules of Carriage
Active Travel
Coming Events in Florida...Part 2
Coming Events in Florida
Fun in Nevada
New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival Time!
Renting a Car in Europe
Destination 101: Atlanta
Destination 101: Minneapolis/St. Paul
London Tea Party
Destination 101: Switzerland
Cheap, Cheap Travel
Destination 101: Mexico
Maui Winter
Plan Your Return Trip Before You Leave Home
Preparing for Holiday Travel, Pt 2
Preparing for Holiday Travel
Travel Gift Ideas
Top 10 North American Attractions...and more
Recreational Vehicle Vacation
Potpourri...2002 Events to Plan For
Destination 101: Santa Barbara
Protect Your Hard-Earned Money!
Odd Airline Discounts
Plan a Safe Trip
A Personal Message Regarding Travel as a Normal Part of American Life
Life at Sea
IMPORTANT Airport Procedures
Tipping guidelines
Strategy for Visiting Theme Parks
Destination 101: Stockholm
Destination 101: Aruba
Sources for Traveling with Kids
What`s Up in Vegas?
Easy Way to Enjoy Germany, Affordably
Disney`s FastPass Program
Champagne Touring in France
Presidential Libraries
Stuck in a NY area airport? Have fun (?)
Destination 101: My Adopted Hometown of New Orleans
Advance Planning- Entertainment
Destination 101: Mexico-Shopping
Destination 101: Italy-Art Guide
Destination 101: Costa Rica
Planning a Wedding on the Road
Don`t Worry About Style, Travel with Class
Traveling with Kids
Protect Yourself from Strikes
All About Airline Fares
Tourist-tips Newletter, Issue 16: Every city is unique- dig for the difference!
Tourist-tips Newsletter, Issue 15: Special Events access
Tourist-tips Newsletter, Issue 14: Eating!
Tourist-tips Newsletter, Issue 13: Planning the Low-Key trip
Tourist-tips Newsletter, Issue 12: Deciding where to go this Summer
Tourist-tips, Issue 11: Fly for free
Tourist-tips Newsletter, Issue 9: Patience, patience
Tourist-tips Newsletter, Issue 8: Countdown to Departure
Tourist-tips, Issue 7: Plan for a Smooth Departure Pt 2
Tourist-tips Newletter, Issue 6: Plan for a Smooth Departure
Tourist-tips newsletter, Issue 5: Travel Gifts for Children
Tourist-tips, Issue 4: Gifts for the Armchair Traveler
Tourist-tips Newsletter, Issue 3: Gifts of Travel-part 2
Tourist-Tips Newsletter, Issue 2: Gifts of Travel
Tourist-Tips Newsletter, Issue 1: Packing for Travel
Tourist-tips, Issue 11, Never too early to start planning your summer trip
Hotels Frequently Asked Questions
What about language problems and food allergies and restricted diets?
What should I do before leaving on vacation?
How can I secure my home before I go?
How can I let airlines know about special needs and requests?
how should I charge when abroad?
How long is a passport valid?
How long are passports valid for?
Should I backup my passport when I travel abroad?
What can I do to help replace my passport if it is lost?
How can some travel companies advertise vacations so low?
How can I avoid tripping over something in a strange hotel room?
How can I save money when traveling?
How can I communicate??
What strategy can I use to be fire-safe in a hotel?
What is a departure tax? Is it part of my airfare?
How can I save money when airfares are so high in my market?
How can I get the airline seat I want?
What concerns should I have about food safety when traveling?
What are unsafe foods to eat when traveling?
What is the advantage of an airline e-ticket?
How can I figure Celcius?
Is there anything that can help with foreign language problems?
How can I convert the temperature to celsius?
How can I avoid problems with carrying cash while traveling?
How should I carry my money when traveling?
How can I learn a language online?
What´s the best way to make an accurate hotel reservation?
Who can help me with special services and requests at a hotel?
How can a concierge improve my stay in a hotel?
What should I do about foreign currency before & after traveling?
How can I control restaurant spending when menus are in lira/pesos/etc
What strategy should be used to book frequent flyer tickets?
How can I make sure I can get to my hotel, if I don´t speak the lingo?
Why am I always hearing about the "bad" foreign water?
Any other tips about traveling abroad?
What can I do to safeguard my child if we get separated?
Is it a good idea to put my child´s name on a shirt?
How can I avoid lossing my kids while traveling?
How can I help protect my kids while traveling?
What should I do with prescription medicines when traveling?
What should I do if I get arrested in another country?
Why shouldn´t I do all my travel arrangements myself?
How should I travel with prescription medicines?
What is safe behavior at hotel check in?
What about special needs rooms?
What about special needs hotel rooms?
How can I communicate a special need to a hotel?
What is a passport and visa?
What do I need to know about passports and other travel IDs?
How does getting married effect my passport?
What are some ideas for cheap souvenirs?
What name should I travel under right after the wedding?
How can I save on National Parks admissions?
Should I take the expensive car rental insurance?
Should I purchase tour/cruise insurance?
Will my car insurance cover my rental car?
Do I need Package/Cruise Insurance?
What about purchasing duty-free goods?
Should I buy duty free goods on the airplane going to my destination?
How can I enjoy a 5-star restaurant, affordably?
What´s a free souvenir?
How can I save money in my hometown?
What are some safety tips against unmanted visitors at my hotel?
How can I save money while traveling?
How can I safeguard my documents when traveling?
How should I store my valubles?
How should I protect my cash and other valuables?
How should I protect myself in my hotel room?
What should I do as I leave my hotel room?
Where can I get extra discounts on hotels
Why is a hotel´s location an important consideration
Why should I consider a hotel´s location when choosing a hotel?
Where can I find additional discounts on hotels?
How important is a hotel reservations cost in selecting a hotel?
Where can I find additional discounts on hotels?
Where can I find hotel discounts?
How important is cost in selecting a hotel?
Why is location an important consideration in selecting a hotel?
Is room size and type important in selecting a hotel?
Why is a hotel´s amenities and features important in selecting it?
What about travel or vacation packages?
What about travel or vacation packages?
Are room rate guarantes any good?
What about a hotel´s rating?
How do I choose an internet hotel reservation system?
Can off season travel save money?
How can past experiences and reccommendations help choosing a hotel?
What if I have budgetary concerns when I reserve a hotel?
Should I choose a hotel at or near a special event I am attending?
Should I choose a hotel near public transportation?
Should I consider hotel services when choosing a hotel?
Where can I get discount airline tickets?
Do you really want a cheap hotel?
What should do with large expensive or breakable objects at a hotel?
What additional steps can I take to protect myself in a hotel?
How should I deal with strangers while staying at a hotel?
How should I deal with strangers while staying at a hotel?
How can I find the location of a hotel?
How can Hotel policies and extra charges affect cost?
How can I find out about shows and concerts at Las Vegas hotels?
What should I present at the front desk of a hotel at check-in?
What should I do if they don´t have a hotel room when I check-in?
Can I possibly get a better deal when I check-in to a hotel?
What should I verify when I check-in to a hotel?
What else might I need to pick up when checking into a hotel?
What can I do to help avoid surprises when I check-out of a hotel?
What should I do if I can´t check out of a hotel on time?
What should I do when leaving your hotel room before checking out?
What should I do at the front desk when checking out of a hotel?
What are hotel consolidators?
What should I know before using a hotel consolidator?
Should I confirm my hotel reservation?
How should I handle a problem with a hotel?
What should I do when I contact a hotel´s customer service department?
How much should I tip hotel staff?
How can I get a hotel to honor my special requests?
Do some hotels reward with with frequently flyer mileage.
What about hotel loyalty programs?
What should I verify before making a hotel reservation?
What information will I need to make a hotel reservation?
What should be considered when choosing a Las Vegas hotel?
How can I find a luxury Las Vegas hotel?
Are there any quality budget Las Vegas hotels?
How can I find out where a Las Vegas hotel is located?
Can a more expensive hotel provide a cheaper vacation?
How can I save money on room rates?
What types of special discount programs are available?
Do I need to leave my original password with a European hotel?
What´s a good way to enjoy an impromtu lunch while traveling?

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Guru Spotlight
Sheri Ann Richerson