April 12, 2002, Newsletter Issue #70: Airline Rules of Carriage

Tip of the Week

These general concepts vary slightly from airline to airline. They are available to you in writing from the airlines upon request. Ask for the "Contract of Carriage," it`s the long version of the fine print on the back of your ticket.

A couple of the rules which can directly impact your travel include (Delta used for this example) :

Rule 100: Tickets.
If you don`t use your ticket exactly as it was purchased, then you could be violating this rule. Purchasing a cheap nonrefundable roundtrip intending to use half and discarding the return is an example of this; as is buying two cheapies to be used one way each. At this time, the airlines have no effective recourse to penalize passengers for this misuse, however a travel agency could lose its license to sell "XYZ" airlines tickets if they get caught knowingly selling travel this way.

Rule 190: Baggage.
If the airline loses your luggage, it will pay the value of your lost items to a maximum of $2500 per passenger. You will have to prove that your belonging were worth at least that.
(If your bags are merely delayed this does not apply- each carrier will offer its own form of compensation for your trouble.)

Rule 240: Delays.
If your flight is delayed, the airline must transport you on the next flight with available space. If the delay exceeds 2 hours, you`re allowed a free 3-minute phone call in the continental US. If your flight is diverted and the delay is more than 4 hours between 10:00pm and 6:00am, you are entitled to a hotel room and transportation to the hotel.

Rule 260: Refunds.
If the airline cannot transport you due to a mechanical delay or overbooking, then it must offer your money back. If you`ve used half your ticket, it will prorate it based on milage flown. If your plans change due to your choice, normal rules of the fare apply...nonrefundable/penalty fee, etc.

Unwritten "Travelingfool" rule: ASK.
If you are willing to be bumped or delayed, get the financial incentives they offer plus ASK for an upgrade to first class.

If you`re stuck on the ground for yet another hour, and you`re dressed professionally, quietly and politely ASK for entry into the executive club or lounge.

If your specific flight has problems, but the airport and weather allow, and you need to get to (wherever), firmly and politely ASK the gate agent to "endorse" your ticket to another airline which has space and works for your schedule.

Never be afraid to ask. In times of stress, the gate agent will be responsive to the knowledgeable and courteous client - be that person and you may be made as comfortable as possible under the circumstances.

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